Better Blood Tests, Drop by Drop
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Assistant Dean (Special Projects), Faculty of Engineering
Founding Member, The Young Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong
HKU Outstanding Young Researcher Award, 2016-17

What next?

Professor Shum’s team have experimented using devices to identify viruses, bacteria and different types of cells.
They are already working with overseas collaborators at Princeton University and Harvard University – where Professor Shum did his undergraduate, and Master’s and PhD degrees, respectively.
However, more support will be needed so that this lab research can be turned it into medical instruments that can benefit the general public.
“Our research is highly multidisciplinary, requiring engineers, clinicians and industrial researchers,” Professor Shum said. He added that his team needed more modernised laboratory space, with set-ups for chemical and biological tests, as well as micro- and nano-fabrication facilities.
“Our vision is to improve healthcare, drop by drop.”